Vote for my panels in the SXSW 2015 Panel Picker

I’ve been invited to participate in two panels at next year’s SXSW festival.  Please vote for one or both of them, so I can go eat barbecue. :) 

Watch: The Birth of a Fandom

What does the “big bang” of fandom look like? How do people go from liking a new piece of content to becoming a community that blogs about it, creates art and fan fiction, conventions, even a movement? 
In this panel, we’re going to find out the answer by conducting our own grand social experiment to generate a fandom for a piece of original content and watch as it unfolds. Everyone in the room and online will be invited to participate in forming and defining a community that illustrates all that a fandom can do, which we’ll check in with in-between panel discussion. 
Panelists will tell us the story of a franchise unfolding and provide content for fans to react to – imagining a world that exists as a comic, TV show/webseries, and film series, with a variety of creators as well as a “voice of the studio” for our imaginary production. Our Fanthropologist moderator will live-orchestrate the viewing of interesting fan responses and content during the panel. 

Who’s Going to Fund My Webseries?

The modern webseries has become a form for emerging and veteran creators alike to tell edgy & innovative stories, often in a deeply artistic manner, exploring controversial or socially urgent subject matter. These creators are reaching wider audiences than ever, building community, and creating proof of concept for bigger projects, like TV series & feature films. So what is the recipe for a successful webseries, and more importantly, who can help you get yours off the ground? Thankfully, with new opportunities for funding, development, production and distribution than ever before, the answers are numerous. On this panel, meet the industry leaders developing, funding, and supporting independent webseries in new ways, paving the way for creators of bold new episodic content online. We’ll discuss what they look for, how their programs work, and talk with veteran creators about their development strategy, and what are the opportunities for webseries in today’s digital landscape. 


Lizzie Bennet Diaries wins the Streamy Award for Best Drama Series


Jane Austen Society of North America, Southwest Chapter Fall Meeting, Sept 20, 2014